Friday, 1 August 2014

August, The Wrestling Cherub Faced Devils Taking Liberties

31st, August 2016
From near father's second son, therefore was not altogether, much slighted, younger sons of good families generally are, but my father saw something in genius also which particularly pleased, made him take extraordinary care, education, so was tied and said, 'can someone get a cigarette', then things turned 'psychosophy '- prettier you are the better you do as a student', 'just did what you wanted', 'Get out!', 'what's wrong with us, thought were all right, friends'.

30th, August 2016
My father was, gentleman, with a very plentiful fortune, having an estate of above 5000 per annum, family nearly allied too several principal nobility, lived about six miles from the town; my mother being at - on some particular occasion, was surprised there at friend's house, and brought near and far very safe into world;Tie him for? like group sex - adventurous Murphy !

29th, August 2016
Steffan' sat without talking much, smoking, looking across the sullen flat mirror, the lake on the side, ring mum, morning, Whitstable axe knot, for always if found Tom De Grails son, keep jet- skis, mums for dinner 7ish, Ali 4 Bella forever in chalk near technology may suffice, that and was born in the county of Essex, year 1986, under goverment of what star far was never astrologer enough to examine; but consequence of life may allow 'Cominus Et Eminus ' suppose some extraordinary influence affected my birth.

28th, August 2016
Which also hated them therefore Euthyphro in thus chasing our father you be doing disagreeable to cronos or uranus and what is acceptable to Hephaestus but unacceptable there may other matters differences of opinion on dead euth simulation, that all the for example would agree, propriety, punishing a murderer, gods, kings, gate castle, personality with Bella.

27th, August 2016
Twisted hazel.

26th, August 2016
Michal Gallery 10am.

25th, August 2016
The quickest route to empire, pg108 Plato, any, for that diffused will, keter, in the same, this is my notion, surely, near believe well region along the border, binah, forms that also are stars which earth but blessed, mercy, the water, mars, head, build pillar, his world, severity, light, greater, far under well, worth Socrates, red, yellow, white, black, serial killer, a person who three or more people over a period of thirty days, with a cooling off period between, each murder suggests that happens when matters' difference, about differing, unable to decide, based on psychological do, all men murders have been, or completed with similar fashion and the victim's may have had something in common, for example occupation, race appearance, sex, age group, honourable, dishonourable, not to be confused with mass, there now?

24th, August 2016
Smoke machine, four vents, blacklight, Lectern / Dias, Projector, Speakers, Broomstick, two horns (Bull), linear or circular track, Motor, Chasey, Neck, makes you urinate apparently, missing bureau are behind you Owen! The fountain! Into the abyss'll fall, signal rexy, 'yea'll write what and remember when far get back home'

23rd, August 2016
Show that, if speed charged particle accelerator increased, the radius circular path increases, be far, contains liquid when high pressure is suddenly released, visible tracks, moving through chamber produced, describe processes which lead these being made visible, three marks, photograph shows tracks in a hydrogen, associated with one particular interaction, are reproduced as alongside there magnetic field, page, particle track, diagram show 1 decaying at A into two particles, 2 and with 3 leaving no near, subsequently decays at B, another pair of 4, 5 sum masses less than mass, explain how this can be case, total 17.

22nd, August 2016
Four aye eye particle are used, increases energy, accelerate charged particles to higher energies than, can, achieved linear, accelerators, discuss the of physics used in circular accelerator, should refer principles from more, one unit, you may be awarded a mark for clarity of your answer, six marks.

21st, August 2016
Democracy, [Artist ignorance] voting, economy-humanities, ignore Thatcher: Gusundheit! (Health!), Melancholia, empathy red, sympathy blue, apathy white, the queens authority, intra-individualisation, inter-individualisation, child mutations? Anti-arms fair, do you agree with war? Recycled non oil paintings. 'The psychopathology of non-art.' Contemporary Art Marquee NOS, Juvenile Delivery, Editing Spree. 'A map of Michael Critchtons Westworld and Delos 1973'.

20th, August 2016 
Sky Bill seventeen to twenty pounds, Klara leaves Holiday back to spain, ring Michael, of exological fascism, plan ex-human interpretation, lies with the individuation, elementalise psyche, both shadow a previous archeology, alive for full effect, Gitanes, filter carefully.

19th, August 2016
'(C(r)o)m(u)pton' 'The Swan' were land Lords 'Mills' - Bill Bakery over the blast log road burnt down - dogs locked out boy sent to London. 

18th, August 2016
For tomato basil havn't to bank my didn't near technology shout hope got work on week to in cattering cooper snow alchemy Bella small, Alastair too tall limdop de thrist catalogue real exhibition house cambrai shaping man, martin martine increased of legion honour has several 15.79 city peace concorda res harmony little plan slowly into the core where here is a concept called Alexanderism.

17th, August 2016
Great map Lily parking manoeuvres twelve until two o'clock pm Alan driving 2:1:2.

16th, August 2016
Grandee, plain red t-shirt, tea, le mist.

15th, August 2016
Desert scene, printing, setting up, cutting, perform, end abruptly, switch near technology, all around, walk out to complete piece, archeology of modernity, the cat left rings, be and breadth a failure, is this proposal grossen groupesse, houses in woods, just buffering one minute remaining, tell near, far, everything you need to know, Ali runs track, black water street if dermatitis found on your feet then porn stuff girl has been there; Oh, no ... haven't met him - let me look again

14th, August 2016
City harmony, the unity past of Gerg, afar spies Bristol, llangain, oh pounding to racer, need cook things beaked, Bulgaria a lost missing bureau at week to tomorrow, evening wilde party gusts wind, small eagle inescutcheon, lion with, elevated cambrai to awarded 1945 adjoining framed increased honour, several concordia, grow motto, future stylisation, saint Gery know.

13th, August 2016
Alex, first Himalayas, (G)Clynderwen, could send vinci sketches to Elam, Camberwell, SE5 but understand of word, sent Esther, yes have locked top through change oh near on was, for came light, makes things BEAKED (haloed), overall three or usually ducal having in from right, ancient and technology cross 1945 guerre commerce adjoining the by framed martin increased, a male spiritual truth can endure with the lumber.

12th, August 2016
Holiday rogers, Bryn Awel near, don't want to be researcher Anne, am poet far, never new Bertolt Brecht architectural perspective on body mud, listen was at goldsmiths until 2002, architecture built environment, notion of archeology family, guy digging history, joy, discovery and rediscovery, have discovered memory perception while with an archive without dealing with notions, reading but never getting bottom off hessian, dust sheet of tighter weave, weft sewn, let Tom De Grails honour now in haut dessert fill not with bread, water, or snow that which gives sea the salt.

11th, August 2016
Metro newspaper, Page 44, Magura Winery, Devils Throat Cave, Jewishness & Japan, can east really escape western metaphysics, metastasis, enjoyment, Zelda thesis', anti-thesis', synthesis, the incompleteness of reality, need for creation, crucible 'X', near think Linda's marriage was a failure, almost from beginning, but and really never really knew much about how far, technology, nobody did, Cinderbell had married, in face, a good deal, opposition had proved to be the entirety.

10th, August 2016
Limits man at the expense of knowledge this is what one means by 'Dionysiac Process' and near technology's open force, destruction upon initiation, hideous duties, HONS!;What happened to him then ? you knew him ? ... You punched him? ... definitely see him strangling girls - very strong guy ... no I haven't heard of him -

9th, August 2016
When start to this cross over missing bureau engage with ideas about superiority neurosis in near technology's full and complex manner as between father, his daughter, their, relationship consent reflects eternally on mother as the asocial, super ego, aggressor, 'necessary' for vitality, position far would state was a form of negative vitalism that always seeks. 

8th, August 2016
When recognition of our hyper feminine beauty is termed 'deception' (at signification denying self any superior engagement with, about sense), that morphogeneity, humanity, supporting chthonic forces know today in, near technology's modern form fuse, via this dualistic lineage, goes back as far as struggle between Cro-magnon and Neanderthal, our "earth", 'other' reactivated the missing bureau.

Diana and Apollo Piercing Niobe’s Children with their Arrows (1772)

'Roberte Ogier is a successful, married young woman in her ealy thirties who works at an architectural firm in West London called Argyle and Mercury by the high street Kensington tube station. A young Chinese man is hired. ‘Mr Bā'ěr jiǒng 巴尔 !’ ,  ‘Jeune Lahire wants the best young chinnese male for the job to be the temporary secretary here at the Schubert Roof Gardens and Kensington Garden Hotel, property of Argyle and Mercury’ Roberte Ogier complains to her partners Jerry M. Goldstein and Jeune Lahire.
Jerry, refrains from watching the advert for the game Seikimatsu Okaruto Gakuin, ‘Micheal Baphomet came in again today. Knows Lahires dad. Turns out they wrote music for Prodigy’, ‘And whats M in Jerry M. Goldstein stand for again?... I have a giant blue and yellow pill on my Brown Leather recliner.’ interjects Jeune.
‘Micheal Baphomet is the guy whom has a silver Bacchus ring on and once came in with a bag full of hats. We’ve got his email now and ive got the Heimlich maneuver at the ready.’ Roberte Ogier proclaims and pushes forward the contract to seal the deal.'

Bobby and Trap

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